- All her dress clothes that stopped fitting her over a decade ago.
- Her dress shoes, when she stopped wearing heels.
- Her cassettes once she graduated to CD's.
- The portable hood hairdryer.
- Around 200 haircurlers.
- A bazillion tupperwear containers.
- Old, old, old booze. Booze that was in the house when I was a teenager. I won't even drink it now.
- Spices. She stopped cooking when dad died. She never used the spices anyway. Again, been there since my childhood. The oregano is grey.
Fortunately ( so far ) my brother has moved into the house. So we don't really need to be Hell-bent on hoeing out. However it is a Project and a half. Once I get it under control, I'm going to simplify things here at home.
mark is living on brooklyn road?
You're right. I am working on not saving so much stuff. I would hate for my kids to have to deal with all my stuff.
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