The three of them finally moved off toward the woods. And here I was hoping for an easy dinner. It may not look like precipitation in the picture, but what you don't see is sleet and unbelievable wind...which brought down a large branch from a pine tree. It barely missed the house...i mean like by an inch...but it took out my clothesline. Obviously I bagged work today cause 20 miles up two mountains just ain't worth it. Plus my boss said she didn't want me out in this crap. I hate winter.
Adding this: one of our energy saving light bulbs blew this afternoon and created a terrible smell ~ of course I thought the house was going to burn down. So I looked it up and apparently this is normal burn-out behavior for these can find the info here. Just in case it happens to you.
Your attempts to be green are being thwarted. Ironic that Mother Nature would take out your clothesline, don't you think?
*closes eyes* i do want to move to vermont, i Do want to move to vermont, i DO want to....
snow be damned. i'll take the snow over what i've got now, LOL, & we're not allowed to have clotheslines at the apartments anyway!
glad you didn't drive!
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