This is a photo of me and my separated-at-birth girlfriend Sheri bellydancing on the beach on Captiva. She and her family invited me and The Minion to accompany them on vacation in April of 2003. I miss her and her kids and her husband. They live about an hour away from me now and we always say we are going to get together but never can find the time. We haven't seen each other in 3 years.
We practiced for a performance the entire week we were there. It was a blast and when we got home we really did remember the routine when it was time to dance it. I miss bellydance too.
What a fantastic picture. So happy & beautiful scenery.
Nice pic. Dance, girl!!!
How amazing it must be to dance on the beach. You guys look fantastic.
PS Are you no longer bellydancing?:-(
Alas...we are not dancing at the current time. Bellydance instructors are not plentiful in Vermont and the ones that exist are very far away from me now.
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