Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Because I Really Am This Twisted
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Improvising Joseph
I bought a Creche ( insert accent grave over the first "e" sil vous plait ) on e-Bay last year. I happened upon it ~ and it was just like the one we had when I was a child. Which my parents gave to me when I got married, and my ex-husband said he didn't know where it was when we divorced. Yeah. Right. I remember the bonfire he built. Vividly.
So I get the Creche, and it is just as I remember - a 1950's cardboard manger, Italian ceramic figures of the Virgin, the shepherd, 3 kings, barnyard animals, the infant etc. but no Joseph. I knew old Joe was missing when I bought it. And I really want a Joe that goes with the search for the perfect Joseph continues...but until he joins us we have: Obi-Wan-Joseph. The Minion doesn't know where his hands are, but he fits in the Creche better than the Vince McMahon or Batman action figures. I was bummed Vince didn't fit.
If you click on the picture, it should enlarge in order to really see the handless glory of the pseudo-pseudo father of the Christ-child.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
How Tired Am I?
Also, I haven't made the Minion's bed all week. I always make the beds. It drives me nuts to have unmade beds. This morning I went in to wake him up and the quilt that is third down in the layers of blankets was on the floor. How? How did he do that? Soon I know I have to teach him to make his own bed. And just try and ignore the non-hospital corners. It will be difficult.
I'm getting my hair done tomorrow. I'll be a brunette again...for at least 6 weeks until the roots show. I suppose I'll have to drag the bodybag with the tree up from the basement this weekend. Open a bottle of something and lovingly fluff the artificial branches into Christmasy goodness. Actually the tree doesn't look fake - I think I posted a picture last December. It's a damn fine fakey!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Talk With My Former Spouse
My ex husband has found the Pentecostal church. Apologies to any of my 5 readers who might be born-again Pentecostals, but the ex has taken this to an extreme.
- He believes that the Jews killed Jesus, no not the Romans, the Jews. Considering the S.O is Jewish, I take offense to that train of thought. Not to mention that the last time I picked up a story of the Crucifixion, it was centaurians weilding the mallets and nails.
- He claims the people he is with in Texas are just like you and me, but they don't sin. Ever.
- He cannot send me child support because he doesn't have a job. But God has taken care of all his needs - i.e, he is doing odd-jobs for the church and is receiving room and board ( sponging off them ).
- He said he would pray for me. I said, great - please do...and also pray for that pair of winter boots for the Minion..I'll expect them on the dining room table via divine intervention by morning.
- The only way to get to heaven is by reading the Bible and believing in Jesus. Apparently all other religions - including Catholics, but especially Jews need not apply.
- Barack Obama is a Muslim.
- He wants the Minion to eventually live with him because ~ and I freaking quote: " You can have more children". That is a freaky-assed statement.
When I got off the phone, the S.O suggested I just sit and have a bourbon. I thought that was an excellent suggestion. Needless to say, there are no plans for a father and son reunion anytime soon. The Minion is relieved. He is as wigged as we are about the change in his dad. And for those who are wondering, I have full legal custody. Whew.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I love this song. Love, Love this movie. And since I've been on a Boston Legal dvd marathon, my attraction to James Spader has been renewed. He's just so....interesting. His characters are neat. And I admit to lustful ideas in his general direction. Do you think Keith Olbermann will be jealous?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I Found Where The Crazies Live
These are some scary folks.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It's Like Freaking Christmas
I stole this from Catherine, but it says it all for me. I'm tired and happy and joyful and bursting with pride, hope and satisfaction.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Nervous Energy
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A Long Day
I did not cook dinner. It was "graze" night. I opened the wine. Watched Barack's 30 minutes from last evening on the computer. And I feel that I compressed my 'to-do" list into all day today. I think I need to buy wine more often.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
His Pajamas Are Blue
But then the fun had to end. Damn alarm clock.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Passing the Meme on...
Where is your cell phone? Don't have one
Where is your significant other? upstairs
Your hair color? Brown with lots of gray
Your mother? Leg Re-hab
Your father? In a lovely Danby marble urn
Your favorite thing? Books
Your dream last night? Can't remember
Your dream/goal? peace
The room you’re in? dining
Your hobby? Reading
Your fear? Heights and deep water
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Financially stable
Where were you last night? home
What you’re not? perfect
One of your wish-list items? washing machine
Where you grew up? Vermont
The last thing you did? MD appt with mother
What are you wearing? sweats
Your TV? off
Your pet? urn
Your computer? on
Your mood? weary
Missing someone? The Minion Your car? White
Something you’re not wearing? Glasses
Favorite store? I don't have one
Your summer? short
Love someone? yes
Your favorite color? Green
When is the last time you laughed? Today
Last time you cried? Yesterday
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Dark Side
Watch Here..but have an empty stomach cause I felt sick afterwards. They really, really believe this BULLSHIT.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Order Details:
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Friday, September 19, 2008
And Today's Bible Lesson Is.....
When he and the Minion speak the conversations lately have centered on church, Bible verses, and saving Minion's 11 year old soul, etc. Tonight he told our son that if he lies or disobeys his parents he will go to Hell.
I assured The Minion that although God, Allah, Buddha or whomever certainly frowns on such behavior, if the "sinner" is truly contrite and says they are sorry, forgiveness happens.
Now, how can I tell my ex-husband to cut the apocalyptic shit and keep his fire and brimstone ravings to himself. Cause it takes every ounce of self control not to speak to that man in a hostile way. Not to mention he thinks the sun shines out of the McCain / Palin ticket's ass.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Kinda makes me say..."Hmmmmm".
Isn't this tidbit interesting?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A Letter To My Ex-Husband's Pastor
Pastor Xxx,
I am the ex-wife and mother to your parishioner Gary Xxxxxxxxx's son. I am writing to you because I want to try any avenue before taking Gary back to court in order to petition for child support. When Gary and I divorced and he was moving to Oregon I did not specify in our divorce agreement for child support. I knew what a vulnerable state he was in and was starting over in a place where he did not have employment. We verbally agreed for him to send whatever he could monetarily in order for me to provide for our child. In hindsight, I realize what a monumental mistake it was on my part not to have an order of child support included as part of the divorce agreement.
In the 3 years since our divorce I can count on one hand how often Gary has sent money in order for me to feed, clothe and care for our son. I have asked him repeatedly in the last few months for any amount he can send. He says he will; I have yet to receive a check. I know he quit his job recently. I hope he finds employment soon. However, no matter his circumstances, I will be moving ahead with legal action because my own circumstances make it necessary.
Gary needs to be responsible and as his Pastor perhaps you could find a way to point this out to him.
Xxxxx Xxxxxxx
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Morning photo from CNN
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Chanting: Find a Happy Place, Find a Happy Place
Are these people idiots?
This is one of my favorite quotes from the article:
When a reporter asked McCain whether he thought contraceptives help stop the spread of HIV, he replied: "You've stumped me." McCain said later that he was sure he opposed government spending on contraceptives. Asked whether he would oppose condom distribution if he knew that condoms stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, McCain said he had never gotten into those issues before.
Friday, August 29, 2008
The G.O.P VP pick
Keep your laws off my body.
Of course this frightening development could be a gift for Obama and Biden. I sure hope so. But I'm sure she will appeal to the conservative, fundamentalist, brainwashed women that inhabit this country. Shudder.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Mr. Fluffums
Friday, July 18, 2008
New Link
Friday, June 27, 2008
Dinner Conversation
The S.O: I don't know much about it - haven't been there.
Me: I picked up a Scroll...but you can only access The Underworld through The Temple of the Ages.
The S.O: Don't you have to Ascend first?
The Minion: Yeah, and I'll have to fight my Doppleganger before I Ascend.
The S.O: Have you had your armor infused yet?
The Minion: Not yet.
Me: I'm not even close.
Anyone know what the Hell we are talking about?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
This made me smile
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says... 'Oh shit....she's awake!!'
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Well...he is only 11.
Me: Are you done?
Minon: I think wait a minute.
Me: ( peeking around the showercurtain ) What are you doing?
Minion: ( lathering up the tops of his shoulders ) I'm doing my shoulders. It's on the bottle. Head and Shoulders.
Me: ( stiffling a snort of laughter ) after that you're good to go.
History lesson
The Minion said last evening with a huge smile on his face: "I feel like the world just changed."
I told him he had just witnessed history in the making. He still can't understand why this country has only had white men as leaders when other countries have a variety of men, women, and races.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Not a lot going on
The Minion will be 11 at the end of the month. My plan is to create a letter from Hogwarts like Harry had delivered to him and tie it to his Hedwig stuffed owl. I just need parchment like paper and a calligraphy pen. Then at some point he and 5 or 6 little friends will go see either the new Indiana Jones or Narnia. We only have one theater in town which shows 2 movies. Who knows when those flicks will come through here, so he might be having his celebration sometime in June. (Zoely, he would like Finn to come, so I'll let you know when I know. )
I've been spring cleaning. The amount of dust was frightening. I did the baseboards and behind things that never get moved. I had to unclog the vac hose. Guess I should do it more than once a year.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Time off....not really
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
Spring is almost sprung. My daffodils are emerging. My job is almost at an end - another three weeks; then I am free from the bonds of a time clock for 5 months. It's so nice to know that. I like ramen noodles. Which is a good thing, cause round about September the coffers are low.
Latest infatuation: The Tudors. Who knew Henry VIII could be sexy and not the gout riddled, obese, nasty specimen I learned about in history class. And me being me, and not wanting to seem like I really like the bodice tearing, forest shagging, heretic burning, deceit laden court on the small screen; I took Six Wives out of the library. Readable history. Of course since I don't have TV, I have to wait for season two to come out on DVD like 9 months from now. Beheadings for the holidays. Who could ask for anything more?
And finally. Obama. When I voted in our primary and he took VT I was so incredibly happy to have been a part of history.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Holy Crap
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Book Quiz Result

Yes - well...I uh, can't argue with that!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Three Hours later.....
The boiler still isn't fixed. I have decided to get in touch with my inner Eastern European ancestry and have wrapped my woolen scarf around my head and neck. I look like a Babushka. People laugh at me when they pass. Tried plugging in the space heater, but it blew the fuse to the office and made it dark as well as cold. My boss told me that I can leave if I can't stand it any longer. She lent me her gloves ( cause she apparently doesn't have the circulation of a corpse like I do ), hard to type with full gloves. I hope the goddamn pipes freeze and they have to shut our building down.